Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Contact Sheet's

Contact Sheet's

These sheets have the photos i have taken for my magazine double page spread/Contexts sheet.
I have circled the ones i will be using and crossed out the ones i am not. i also added the bhind the scenes i had shot for other students to show the work we were doing while taking the photos.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Creation of Contacts Sheet

This image shows my creation of my contacts sheet. My contacts sheet is the images I have used for my Double Page Spread, and my Front Cover for my media magazine. I made these images into a Contacts Sheet as it will be a easy, and reliable way to go through my images, and judge them of which I like the most, and dislike the most. This image is showing my creation of the Contacts Sheet, by using Microsoft Word and going into a set of files which allowed me to make this Contacts sheet.

Photo-Shoot Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes for Photo-Shoot

I helped my friends by being the model for their photo-shoots, as they helped me with my  photo shoot and i wanted to show you how it was creating these photos.

Photo-Shoot Images

Images I used for the Double Page Spread and Context Page.

These images is what I will use for my double page spread and also my context sheet. With the help of my friends (Owen Davison, Danny Williamson, Boj G, and Marcus Lahm) I was able to make the images I could used for my Double Page Spread and Front Cover for my Media Magazine. The images I used is the recreation of two Beatles photos as my magazine genre is based on 1960's, and what other band to use images for, then the greatest band not just in the 60's but in the world.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Pre-lim Magazine Context

My and Owen Davison's Context Page we created for our Pre-lim task which we had created about our school Cardinal Heenan Sixth Form. We both had different tasks, my task included getting the images for the Double Page Spread and the Contexts Page, as well as getting the information to put in for Double Page spread and Contexts Page. While Owen's task were using all the information and images and use photos shop to create our Pre-lim task. 

Pre-Lim Mgazine Double Page Spread

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My and Owen Davison's Pre-Lim Mgazine Double Page Spread we made talking about how we have the best sixth form in all of Liverpool. We made this as a type of way to draw students into the sixth form.

Pre-Lim Magazine Cover

My and Owen Davison's Context Page we created for our Pre-lim task which we had created about our school Cardinal Heenan Sixth Form. We both had different tasks, my task included getting the images for the Double Page Spread and the Contexts Page, as well as getting the information to put in for Double Page spread and Contexts Page. While Owen's task were using all the information and images and use photos shop to create our Pre-lim task. 

Pre-lim Questionnaire

1.) Are you a?
Teacher      Student

2.) Have you ever bought/read a school magazine?
Yes                 No

3.) How much would you pay for a school magazine?
Under £1    £1-£2      £2-£3      Over £3

4.) What free gifs would entice you to buy a school magazine?

5.) What features are important to you in a music magazine? (Please rate 1-5, 5 being most important)

School news 1 2 3 4 5
Gossip 1 2 3 4 
Events 1 2 3 4 5
Students 1 2 3 4 5
After school clubs 1 2 3 4 5
Behind the scenes 1 2 3 4 5
Competitions 1 2 3 4 5

6.)Thinking of a school magazine which of these names would you most associate most as being the name of the genre?

7.)The Register    Tetradio (Greek translation for a school notebook)    The Cardinal   Hello Heenan    Other____________________

8.)Which of these fonts would you associate with a school magazine?

Font        Font       Font    Font       Font     Font       Font       Font       Font       Font     Font    Font      Font      Font  

Which of these graphic feature would catch your eye most on a school magazine

9.) What colour would you most associate with a school magazine?

Red     White     Green     Black     Yellow     Blue      Pink      Other_________________

10.) What would you expect to see as the central image of a school magazine?


11.) Which camera shot would attract you most as a central image on a school magazine?

     Wide Shot                                         Mid Shot                                                       Close Up

Friday, 8 January 2016

Pre-lim History of Cardinal Heenan School


The school is named after Cardinal John Carmel Heenan. Until 1983 it was known as Cardinal Allen Grammar School, when it merged with St Margaret Mary's Boys' School. It opened in September 1958 with around 300 boys when administered by the Liverpool Education Committee. Next door was the Convent of Mercy (R.C. Girls) High School, a girls' grammar school on Yew Tree Lane.

The school was originally based at two sites, one for Year 7 and 8 (years 1 and 2 of the old school year system) around half a mile (800m) from the main building on Pilch Lane, Huyton. The upper school, now the only building, is based at Honeysgreen Lane, West Derby.

Pre-Lim Cardinal Heenan Sixth Form School Magazine Interviews


Gary Aster: Gary Aster is the sixth form study centre over looker and we had interviewed him to see what he thinks of the sixth form. We had asked a few questions about his time at this sixth form, he told us “I have been working at this school for nearly 3 years and has enjoyed many moments working here.” We as well asked him about if he enjoys working here and he replies saying “I do very much so, it is a well worked sixth that it’s strict but still lets the pupils be free at the same time, I’ve worked in many schools but this one has probably been the best”. We then asked what he thinks of the organisation of the school, he tell us “It’s very well organised and I believe you get a nice range of subjects which attracts most people to the school and the support you get from the staff is incredible makes the students more encourage to go out and achieve their goals to do with school”. And finally we asked what he think of the staff and fatalities he replies “To me it might be some of the best in all of Liverpool to do with both staff and facilities because the staff isn’t just a teacher to the students, they can relate to each other witch as it is very good or the pupils as he motivates them to learn more and the facilities are great we have this study room which helps the pupils more and the canteen has great food for the staff and pupils so its makes the a good environment for the pupils”.
Albin Cyricac: We as well interviewed a few students such as Albin who is very popular between the students of Cardinal Heenan and a good student as well. We asked what him what he thinks about the school He thinks “It’s one of the best sixth forms in Liverpool” We asked him as well of what was the best parts of school he listed to us “the study periods, the food, socialising, the independent studies and the facilities.” We asked him what he would want in the school and he told us “We need more trips for the students so we can look forward to something”.  We asked him what he thought of the staff he replied, “They are great to us and want us to do as best as possible and really can relate to us and how we work, which motivates us to do our work”.